Friday, November 23, 2012

Mary, Mother of Divine Providence

 What is Providence?  It is the action of God which takes care of all things, and, by doing this, continually creates and directs them, ordaining them towards their purpose.  But Mary Most Holy, as she is co-redeemer, also by that same Providential action directs and consoles the Church towards her purpose and by her virtues supports our lives in their purpose.
 These are the two points: the Providential action of Mary in the life of the Church; the Providential example and help of Mary in our lives.
The prophecies had foretold about Mary: the symbols and the types had somehow photographed her.
She was born in a poor little house in Nazareth, surrounded by all the signs of poverty, but heaven exulted and earth rejoiced:  "May the whole universe, therefore, rejoice and quiver with the deepest joy, because of the birth of the holy Virgin who has brought light to it." (from a sermon attributed to St. Augustine; PL 39. 2104-2105).
The annunciation informs Mary of the ineffable plan of Divine Providence: Mother of God, Mother of Divine Providence, who is God.  The curse laid upon Eve turned into a blessing.
Mary of Nazareth, now the Mother of God, does not neglect for one second to comply with the plans of Providence.  
At the wedding feast of Cana the Divinity of the Son is made manifest, but so also is the power and providence of Mary.

The Virgin instructs the apostles in wisdom, of which she is the seat, and edifies them by her example of holiness, of which she is the model.  With them she lingers in prayer:  All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. (Acts 1. 14).
St. Jerome says that, after Jesus Christ, no-one takes greater care of us than Mary Most Holy.
Mary's intervention at times of persecution and heresy was Providential.  Mary, the new mother of the Maccabees, stands at the side of Christians, encouraging them in the catacombs.
The Fathers of Ephesus call her the conqueror of heresies.
Does unbelief raise its head?  Mary puts it down.  Does piety languish?  Mary revives it.
Mary is the Lady of Italy especially in her most anxious moments.  The princes of Savoy and the Doges of Venice kneel at her feet.
Our Little Work is and means to be completely of God: and it is the work of Divine Providence, especially through Our Blessed Lady.  To Our Lady today, as it was yesterday, and will be tomorrow and always, we have entrusted all of us with an unshakeable faith, with a trust that has never been broken.  And if a little bit of good has been done, and is being done, then it is Our Blessed Lady who is doing it all!

From the writings of St. Luigi Orione
(DOLM. IV. 1890-1891).

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